

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas 2008

This Christmas was wonderful! It seems that each year Christmas time gets more and more fun. The boys are really starting to get into all of it. They really were concerned about getting their letters to Santa in time and making sure he would have a snack (brownie and milk) which Anna was able to enjoy the leftover crumbs in the craziness of the morning. They enjoyed wrapping presents for each other and their friends and loved helping Anna open her presents. She received her first baby doll and was pounding on the packaging with excitement. Super cute! The boys were given a lot of similar items (puzzles, batman toys, board games, etc) to cut back on the amount of fighting and yet they still would fight. Boys will be boys. On Christmas eve Anna started to get a cold and what we know now what would turn into pink eye and Andrew awoke at 5:30 Christmas am throwing up. It never fails that someone is sick on the holidays. Alex woke up at 4:00 am on Christmas am very eager but was patient until 6am even though he stayed awake. Needless to say we all took a nap that day.


  1. Hey Nicole- I found your blog via Heather's. Don't worry, I'll be patient:)

  2. Lesson number one: IN eighteen years of parenting, someone is always sick for thew holiday. Doesn't matter what year or what holiday--always someone. Hang in there.
